2015-01-29, 15:31:36
Tu écoutes du Trip Hop donc ;-)
=> I have excellent news for the world. There's no such thing as trip-hop. It does not exist. It's a figment of a lame cunt's imagination. There was never any such thing as trip-hop. It was a polite thing to say when you were trying to explain you were not into boring old rock 'n roll but you didn't dare to say 'rap' because you were afraid of getting kicked out of the fucking party and they wouldn't let you smoke up their weed any more
=> I have excellent news for the world. There's no such thing as trip-hop. It does not exist. It's a figment of a lame cunt's imagination. There was never any such thing as trip-hop. It was a polite thing to say when you were trying to explain you were not into boring old rock 'n roll but you didn't dare to say 'rap' because you were afraid of getting kicked out of the fucking party and they wouldn't let you smoke up their weed any more